Yes, thank you, more please

By Annie Banks

Yes, thank you, more please. 

I am so Grateful. So grateful… it hurts from my heart stretching beyond its known limits.

In the last 6 months,  the preciousness of life against the background of it’s uncertainty, has stood out in stark relief.

I’ve learned this lesson before, through the brutal death of my friend at 30 years old. Through the seasons of depression in my 20’s. Through battling my own demons including the ones that waited to surface when I became a mother.  The lesson, that this life is the most precious gift. It takes pain to wake us up to this truth. The pain is the opportunity. Without it we would be numb… And numbness, not death, is the opposite of life.

So I lean into the pain. I lean in, and open up and feel and bleed and weep tears of joy and heartbreak.

Yes, thank you, more please…

I’ll take this life, over and over again, I’ll say yes.

Thank you.

More please.

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